God's Remedy

For any Catholic and indeed non-Catholic, this photograph should be the most frightening in the whole history of photography. Of course it is not. Many of Our Lady's enemies have tried to bury it forever. This picture was taken in 1917 immediately after Our Lady at Fatima had shown hell in all its terror to these three children.

She then gave them God's Remedy for avoiding hell. Many also have tried and still try to bury God's Remedy. They will not succeed.

Friday, December 12, 2008

God's Remedy

Just a matter of months following the taking of this picture the myriad minions of Antichrist began their push to eliminate the priesthood of Jesus Christ from the earth forever.

Their plan was and still is to replace the priesthood of Jesus Christ with the priesthood of "worshipful masters." Anybody with eyes to see and who holds the Catholic faith can judge how well they are succeeding.

Our Lady told them "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. In order to save them God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart."

Yes this was and still is God's Remedy for these last days of the Roman Catholic Church and the world.

Notice she did not say "I wish to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart" but "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart." Not only are the events at Fatima in Portugal approved by the Roman Catholic Church, but it was plain for the whole world to see.

The amazing performance by the sun in the sky on October 13 1917 was witnessed by between 50 and 70 thousand people. A lot of them had come to scoff. How dumb we are!

People wonder why revolutions come in October and we have just had another world wide revolution in October just passed. In 1917 the sun performed revolutions in the heavens in order to prove the enormity of what is to occur in Russia a few weeks later.

By Christmas 1917 all Catholic churches in Moscow were closed. In the process many Catholic priests were shot in the back while celebrating the One Catholic Mass. It was easy to shoot priests in the back then. They were facing in the proper direction while celebrating the continual sacrifice instituted by Jesus Christ.

We still do not know how many Catholics and other "Christians" were slaughtered in Russia as the years passed. This is the forgotten holocaust. Nobody goes to jail for denying this historical fact. Why?

What we do know is that at least six times as many Christians were slaughtered in Russia as were killed in the Nazi Holocaust.

Again, how dumb can we be? What we do know from the gospel and from the prophecies of the saints is that as time goes by and the world hastens to its end Lucifer through his minions will make it ever more difficult for anyone to get to heaven.

The window of opportunity for entering heaven will become ever narrower as sin multiplies on the earth. The world today is in a worse spiritual state than it was when Jesus Christ came to earth the first time.

Most of us know something about "tipping points." The tipping point for the world was reached just about 1960 exactly as Our Lady had foretold.

When Jesus Christ became incarnate through his Most Holy Mother, the world was in the grip of Satan and only a very small minority were being saved. Satan had his mystery religions then just as he has now. Jesus Christ broke Lucifer's grip on the world and showed us how we could do likewise.

Lucifer has spent all his time since then trying to re-establish his kingdom in opposition to the Kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity. The one constant in all this time for 2008 years now is his efforts to destroy the Catholic Church, or more accurately to destroy the priesthood of Jesus Christ.

"Russia will spread her errors causing wars and persecution of the Church." The devil would have us believe he is dead. When people do not even believe in him they are automatically his subjects. It is impossible to escape him without the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Communism has now developed many heads and that is why the so-called iron curtain is not needed any more.

Communism won. The Bolsheviks are in almost total control. Do we really think that Lucifer has lost his blood lust? Do we think he has changed? He is the "man of sin." He is the murderer and father of lies as Jesus Christ described him perfectly.

What we can expect from our masters is more bloodshed and more lies. This is certain.

Our Lady also told us that many nations will be annihilated. Just because the name of a country remains does not mean that the nation remains. What is the European Union but the process of the elimination of nations. The European Union when they get their way will be one great Commune. The Catholics in Russia and other countries besides know what these communes are like. These people who rule us are commune-ists. They have not gone away you know.

Our Masters, the commune-ists in all their many guises have their long laid plans for us which are hundreds of years old. The fact that they are so old proves the authenticity of their prime motivator. No continent will escape. The commune-ists are making a superb job of destroying America and we can expect worse from the new president. More bloodshed, more lies.

Remember Our Lady's words. "Russia will spread her errors"

We are all going into the new world order - the Novus Ordo Seclorum. It is the kingdom of Lucifer on earth. That is why we were given a Novus Ordo "mass." That is why also we heard from Vatican Two the cry "That they all may be one" Yes indeed. "That they all may be one" This is a perfect example of the misuse of Gospel quotations. Jesus Christ did not say "That they all may be one" The worshipful masters say "That they all may be one"

What Jesus Christ said was "That they all may be one AS YOU AND I HEAVENLY FATHER ARE ONE" The distance between these two aspirations is the distance between heaven and hell.

The world has decisively rejected Jesus Christ. By default then the world instead will get and is increasingly getting Lucifer the lightbringer.

Did we really think we could reject Jesus Christ without consequences. "The ruler of this world is coming.... " He said at the last supper. Note well: the world has a ruler. We should know that by now.

The same people who came for Jesus Christ are now coming for the world and especially the followers of Jesus Christ. The people who came to crucify Jesus Christ were of course - The Money Power, The Military Power and the Priestly Power.

Some things never change despite even the efforts of God himself, the reason being that He gave us free will. Otherwise we would not be human beings. We would be merely animals. No surprise then that our masters look on us as mere animals or cattle. Serves us right.

However, our God, the One True God, the Blessed Trinity has not withdrawn his remedy.

God's Remedy par excellence is true devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.